Détails sur le produit

Watch how bearing angles change, predict crossing courses or plot your courses offshore with the 3-arm goniometer. These are just a few of the many things you can do with this pelorus. On large ships this kind of pelorus is usually permanently mounted. On smaller ships, portable peloruses give many of the same benefits.
The pelorus comes with a deck foot, which can be easily removed and attached with two screws at a desired place in the boat. The pelorus can be quickly removed from the supplied plywood box and screwed onto the foot. After use it can be put back into the box. Box dimensions: 24 x 24 x 12.5 cm.
The pelorus has a gimbaled bearing card. ?The card has a diameter of 125 mm and is marked in 1 degree increments. A sun shadow vane may be used for checking the ship’s compass.


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