Détails sur le produit

Gennakerset ready for mounting on sailboats. Consisting of a genoa track, a slide with a slot for the Gennaker tube, a Gennaker tube with trumpet starting at the end of a round of Gennaker tube guidance unit, and two end pieces of aluminum. The Gennaker tube is not a side opening for threading the Genanker line (included). When not in use the unit slides and tube can be easily unthreaded. Slide and tube are connected by a pin and can be separated easily.

Size 1 for vessels up to 7.50 meters: rail size 25x4 mm (length 80 cm), diameter 40 mm Gennaker tube with a tube length 80 cm.

Size 2 for vessels up to 10 meters: rail size 32x6 mm (length 100 cm), diameter 60 mm Gennaker tube with a tube length about 100 cm.

The rail system with the carriage and guide schiffsindividuell eye is screwed to the deck. The retractable Gennaker tube should be extendable while positioned over the bow fitting. To this end, the locking device is to be solved on the sled, and on reaching the ideal position in the extended state of this re locked in one of the detent holes.

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